5 general guidelines for Social Media Marketing..
1. Connect! When using social media marketing, you must be able to connect with people. And also, be good at it! Useful information about connecting.
2. Don't be biased & don't purposely try to upset people in your actions. Your websites and forms of campaigning yourself/product should be done tastefully and attractively. No one wants to jump on board with something/someone unappealing.
3. Have fun with your site or form of selling yourself/product. Websites that promote bands/products/services should be interesting to look at. They need to make you intrigued or at least make you want to click around! If a site or add can make you smile, that is a plus! Social Outbreak!
4. Do not mix business with your personal life. Unless you are a musician, than in many cases, people enjoy hearing personal announcements, tweets, etc! If you are promoting a product or your business, keep it real, keep it on topic. Business pages should be all about the business. That's not saying they cannot be fun, but do not get ahead of yourself and think people are interested in what you are doing over the weekend. Unless your client base is THAT personal with you. Be professional and only state the things you would want to hear from a business/product/service.
5. Update and stay positive! No one wants to check out a site and see outdated information or negativity that they do not agree with.
Social Media Marketing allows a lot of personal connection which is a very big positive. Being able to interact with your fan base/client base is a big turn on for the campaign! It gets people involved and can also help you out a lot with suggestions and ideas! The people voice counts too! You receive instant feedback and can gain a lot of face time! You must also be reliable and trustworthy. You control your clients a lot by your information and credibility. Would you take information from a site that can never get it right? You must make sure any website you use information off of is not a scam!
Blogger, Amanda, had some very good points of the pro's that come with Social Media Marketing.