Wednesday, October 26, 2011

  • A link to your Twitter page:!/holly_schroth
  • Rank the three organizations using Twitter to market their products/services, that you have followed, by how effective they use Twitter. Explain your rankings:
               1. Verizon; Effectively. Verizon posts a lot of information about their phones and services.
               2. AT&T; Effectively. AT&T has good information but a lot of tweets to people rather than tweets about their services.
               3. T-Mobile; Not as effective. A LOT more tweets to people and less information.
  • Define some guidelines for the effective use of Twitter: Posts about a product or service. Appropriate posts. Consistency with posts. Following viewers. Interact with followers.  

  • Answer the following question: Is Twitter better suited for some organizations than others? If so, what about an organization makes it well suited for Twitter? I believe that twitter and virtually any social media netowork can be suited for any organization as long as they know hot to use it correctly and productively. Organizations that have A LOT to say should stick to blogs because twitter only allows a certain amount of characters.  

  • A summary of the other Social Networking platforms you tweeted about, what benefits they offer their users, and what marketing benefits do they offer to marketers: The other Social Media Networks offer meeting new people, music, and blogging. Most of them offer all three. They are good for their users because they can interact with a wide variety of people. If marketing, they can use the sites just as they would use Facebook, Twitter, etc. They are good for regular people and organizations. However, their popularity isn't as big as Facebook and such.

Monday, October 17, 2011


     Social Media Marketing in 3 minutes!

This video is very informative and shows you how there is a world full of online social media marketing sites online that you can do tons of things with in order to expand a products client base. It shows the advantages of social media marketing and how it can properly be used. It also shows how to successfully use social media and what happens when you are successful. It discusses how trusting relationships with the people who are viewing your social media is crucial. This video is basically an informative video teaching you how to postively and successfully use social media marketing for your business.

                         Social Media Marketing is the new black!
This video is showing how social media is becoming "the thing" to do. Big companies use websites and social netowkrs to communicate and sell their products more these days than ever before. People would rather watch things online than on TV. The world of media is changing into the world of social media. The radio can be replaced with online music streaming and podcasts. Everything that once was is turning in to what we used to use. This video shows how valuable social media has become as opposed to just media.

                         Social Media Marketing..quick!
This video is a very quick and simple guide to show you if you are using social media marketing and you don't even know it. Mostly everyone is, as long as you are online using a social netowork such as twitter, facebook, myspace, blogger, etc. Anything that allows you to interect with other people is social media and in many cases social media marketing, especially if you are selling, advertising, or trying to show something to the world. This video also brings attention to the fact that social media marketing, in most cases, is free. It is a great way to expand your client base to a whole other internet world of people.

                                                                     To sum it up!
I think what really makes the best Social Media Marketing video is that it explains the postives, negatives, possibilities, and basic rules that come along with having a social media market. Social Media Marketing isn't hard but it can be explained in many different ways because there are many different forms and websites. Videos help users understand what to put on a site for their product so their users feel comfortable. Demonstrations and examples also make a good video because to some people, the internet is a whole different concept. Videos are very beneficial and helpful to anyone interested in learning how to properly market themselves while using social media.  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blogs, Facebook, & Google+

Little River Pet Resort.
I work at Little River Pet Resort. It is basically a doggy day (week, month) care. We specialize in personalized care for dogs for families who want more out of a kennel for their dogs. We try to make families pets feel as though they are on a mini-vacation as well. However, this Facebook page just got started. Although it is a local business in my community, we have a strong client-ell. We get customers from all over Ohio. We offer a lot of different options for owners, however, they are not listed on the Facebook page. They are listed on the site created for the business. I would normally think that all of the extra information that is needed should be listed on the Facebook page as well, but I think in this case, they list a good enough amount of information to make the Facebooker want to click on their real website. When facebook is used for businesses, you can't necessarily include every possible thing. Facebook is a simple social network, not something that should have paragraphs of information. They include daily uploads of photos of the guests staying there so families can check in on their pets, directions, reviews, hours, and the phone number. Using Facebook has actually boosted our client-tell. Pet owners feel more at ease when they can see if their pets are happy when away from home. LRPR is marketing themselves very well by using Facebook. However, I rank it #3 of the 3 I have chosen. Mostly because it is a local business and just started up it's Facebook.


The Tide Facebook page is very informative. Not only are there free-giveaways, but they stay up-to-date as well. While listing all of Tide's signature products, they give you an overview on what Tide is all about. From when it was founded to the company facts, Tide on Facebook works out well. They have over 2 million "likes" and offer contests frequently. If the information given isn't enough..they offer their website as well. It even offers you to "Shop now." Tide on Facebook has all of the necessities for a potential Tide buyer. Most people know of Tide, but Facebook allows to interact as well! Tides Facebook is useful and I would rank it as the second best choice of the 3 facebooks.

The Verizon Facebook page is another very good page. With 1,557,179 likes, 11,905 people talking about it on facebook, and 70,910 check-ins, Verizon has become one of the biggest names in wireless and 4G speed. The website leaves you with locations, promotions, photos, videos, shop tips, events, smartphone glossary's, and tons more. I think this Facebook is probably the most informative. It keeps you up to date with everything that is going on with Verizon. Not just cell-phone wise. What most people do not know is that Verizon has more to offer than just cell phone services. Their Facebook advertises all of their goods and products leaving a viewer understanding what Verizon is all about. On the business spectrum, I believe Verizon is probably the most profitable out of the 3 pages I've chosen.

Facebook Vs. Google+

Given the statistics, Google+ looks like it is giving Facebook a run for its money. With the simplicity of Google+..and the advancements coming into play with Facebook..Google+ may be able to put Facebook to shame. However, in the business perspective, what is going to happen?
Well, Google+ is HIGHLY popular in the bigger cities (New York City, Boston, Seattle, Chicago) And these bigger cities are cities of big business. Google+ started off with under 1 million users..and shortly it climbed to 10 million and is growing. Facebook holds the largest number to this day holding the top spot with 500 million users, but Google+ plus is definitely becoming a threat. Facebook allows for a lot of personality and a lot of information to be posted. Google is basic but now offers things that Facebook doesn't such as Circles. Google was once known for being the amazing search engine and that's all but now it is also being used as a social networking site. Facebook is only a social networking site. Google is the king of all search engines and may soon become the king of all social networking sites. The idea of Google+ is to make every Google product compatable. In the business world, this may boom. Google makes a lot of its money from advertisers. I think the future for Google+ will be bright and steal the business world. Facebook has a lot to offer, even for businesses, but with all Google+ has to offer..the possibilities are endless. Businesses use Google in everyday life..and now..they can use Google+ and integrate all of their resources and ad's into 1 social networking site. However, businesses will flock to where they have the better chance at. If Facebook remains top dog..they will stay close..but if Google+ preservers, Facebook may lose out.
What is Google+ ?

Redo Blog.

Caterpillar Blog

Now that I actually understand what a REAL business/corporation blog is, I can better explain it's positives and negatives. This blog, I believe, has nothing wrong with it. The homepage offers many different links to navigate to. Then there a numerous blogs. I chose the "Ask the expert" blog. This blog offers many posts about safety and the tools Caterpillar has to offer. Along with information about projects and ways to do them while maintaining safety. It is up to date and leave room for comments and feedback. Readers can also post and Caterpillar Administrators that are directly related to the company can help out and give their feedback and support. The blogs are up to date and stay on topic with the tools and even the seasons. They keep the blogs up and running to help people who are unsure of what tools they may need or how to properly carry through with projects while using Caterpillar tools. The "Welcome" page also allows for users to ask direct questions to the Caterpillar administrators and insist on their guests to invite friends when their information is useful to them. The blogs all stay on topic and are used in a professional manner to help all Caterpillar clients. I give this site an A because it is well organized and stays on topic with what Caterpillar has to offer. As well as helping as much as possible.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Blogs Blogs Blogs.


Do's & Don'ts; Anthony.

I found this blog post to be very informative because it was straight to the point and gave good examples as to what should be used/done and what should not. He used many examples and resources to click on and look at. Not only that, but he summarized them with a few good sentences that thoroughly defined the do's and don'ts.

7 Steps; Amanda R.

I found this blog post to be very informative as well because the 7 steps were listed very well, explaining the objectives, audiences, tactics, and assets. Her opinion on the assignment was also given well and honestly. Her assignment was well organized and she followed the instructions.


Original Blog

When Humor Isn't Funny
I VERY much enjoyed this blog post because it is signifying that perspective of clients/customers/views is the important part. When we use social media to market ourselves or a product, we have to make sure we are interesting. Interesting can mean funny or comical. However, what one might find funny..others may not. There's the  issue of whether or not the humor is offensive. There is the issue of what demographic will understand it. There's the issue of it actually making sense and being relevant. There are many issues! You don't want to poke fun at others while trying to promote yourself when the other person isn't even part of your group. It ultimately makes you look like the jerk and can infact get you into some trouble. Be cautious about your humor.

The future for businesses using FB.
This blog post is actually by a different blogger, on the FC Expert blog, but being shared by the Blog listed above. It basically showed me the new changes that are going to be happening with facebook and how they will inhance and weaken businesses. I did not know of the new layout facebook was going to change to. And now that I do, I am a bit confused as to how it is going to work for businesses. I feel as though facebook is more for people who want to stay personal and social with friends/family/etc. I never really saw it as something for businesses to use, although they do use it. Now, with the new will be easier for people to see things that one may not have wanted others to see or be available to them. Past posts that you didn't even know were still there will be visable. This may infact be a downfall for businesses. But it will keep us up to date on how progression is going. Personally, I don't think facebook is for businesses. Make a website, don't use facebook. If TIDE Laundry detergent is using facebook..what do they put under Relationship Status? It just doesn't make sense in my head. But businesses use it a lot more than I was aware of!


Strongsville, Ohio Blog.
This blog is basically just keeping the city of Strongsville, Ohio up to date with what is going on in the community. I think it affectively markets itself and keeps up with what is going on quite well. It isn't trying to sell anything to the viewers, but it is simply marketing itself off as a news and information site. However, I only give this blog a C. 1 reason being is it really IS NOT up to date. The last post was in June. If you are blogging anything of importance to loyal cannot just disspear one day and keep the site idle. That's a good way to make people not want to use your website anymore.

The Snuggie Blog
The Snuggie Blog is just a blog marketing the Snuggie and keeping people up to date with news about it, reviews, information, facts, etc. But once again, it is not a blog that has been maintained well. Leaving for long periods of time then coming back does not make viewers happy. They want to stay up to date on the information. They won't view the blog if it is hardly ever updated. I give it a D.

iphone blog
I really enjoy this blog. It is colorful, nice to look at, and stays up to date. The information is good and it is something that an avid iphone user would be interested in knowing. I give this blog an A. It is useful and I infact did read a few posts because I do use apple electronics.